Friday, February 20, 2009

Source Paragraph #3: Artists Book

Translating my source into a book will help me to express how emotion effects me. I want each page to represent a part of my life which is important. Each of these pages is important in their own way. In any of the three formats that I have come up with, the pages will unfold in a different manner revealing the interior of the book. The book itself would represent myself as a whole, and all of the elements in my life (the pages) that I am emotionally involved in.

The first format The Sparkle in my Eye, will take the shape of my eye or, less creepy, my iris. The unfolding pages will represent how each of the aspects I’ve photographed is emotionally important to me.

The second format, the fabric piece, will be made up of soft, or nice-feeling fabrics sewn together. They will unfold to create a patchwork type whole that appears like a quilt when opened for viewing. These fabric pages will represent my important emotional elements in how they feel (nice) and where I keep them. The book, when folded up will fit into a pocket representing how I hold these emotional ties close to me.

The third format, Ball of Emotion, would take the shape of a sphere. The pages would be 3D and each would be a rounded part of the whole. This also would represent how each emotionally important page makes up my whole ball of emotion.

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